Curriculum Features

Curriculum Features

With reference to the ‘Kindergarten Education Curriculum Guide (2017)’, our curriculum design is centered around the children. Teaching is conducted through project approach, design activity and whole-language instruction, matching with diverse, systematic and inspiring games and activities (e.g., ‘story-based’ teaching, ‘Leap’ body education programme). Besides, we cultivate children’s virtues and civic awareness through national education and emotional courses.


Whole-language approach

The school values the language study of children. We aim to provide a natural, real and complete language environment for their learning, and a series of language storybooks is selected by psychologist, curriculum officer and principal. Teachers will enhance children’s listening, speaking, reading and writing skills through story reading, discussion and role-playing, and enrich their language abilities through corner settings and interesting games.

Free Play

In response to the free play section covered in EDB’s Curriculum Guide (2017), the school builds a safe and game-friendly environment based on the free play concept, allowing children to express their feelings freely and explore their surroundings using different senses.

Emotional Education

To nurture the whole-person development of children, the school cares much about the emotional intelligence programme. We aim to build a love and caring culture in the school and to provide a healthy environment for children’s emotional development to feel care and respect. Children will experience and understand the multi-facet of emotions so that they can enjoy life, learn to adjust emotions, build up positive self-image, be confident in learning and care about the needs of the community.


Leap! was brought to Hong Kong by The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation in partnership with the Cloud Gate Dance School. With over 10-year experiences, an expert team of Cloud Gate Dance School veteran dancers, dance and music educators, child education practitioners and psychologists foster development in physical, cognition, social and aesthetic aspects in children.

Leap! has been launching by T.W.G.Hs. This programme commences in October every academic year. Attending classes carried out by our Leap! tutor once a week, children can accumulate bodily experiences and learn to be respectful and caring.

Language Enrichment Programme

The school implements English and Putonghua enrichment programmes on a continuous basis. The programmes are taught by a foreign teacher and a Putonghua teacher respectively. Teachers will use story, songs as mediums of teaching, enabling children to experience the interest of learning different languages in a relaxing environment.

Pre-primary Special Educational Needs Service

The school combines caring and educational services for mildly disabled children, enabling them to receive equal caring, education and training opportunities. Besides, children will have their personalised teaching plan, together with the regular teaching curriculum to explore their full potential in a natural environment. They will learn and get along with all other children, learning to accept each other, so that they can have all-rounded development in various aspects like physical, intellectual, emotional, social, language and self-care.

Collaboration Plan

The school participates in Comprehensive body plan for  children’, which is jointly organised by QE Fund. The school will run joint activities with other kindergartens of TWGHs, such as parenting seminars, professional development for teachers etc.

Children Design Project

The school will conduct children design projects in each semester. Teacher will decide the exploration subject based on children’s interests and findings, and then work with children to find out the answers through different approaches such as exploration, visit and observation. They will share the results with the whole class. After concluding the observation and findings, teacher and children will organise the information together, discuss and conclude the projects and share with others their learning results.

Voices of Parents
