About Us

Introduction of T.W.G.Hs.

Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Early Childhood Services

Tung Wah Group of Hospitals (T.W.G.Hs.) is the largest charitable organization with the longest history in Hong Kong. T.W.G.Hs. provides a wide range of services including medical, education and social welfare. Today, T.W.G.Hs. operates over 309 service centres in Hong Kong. 

T.W.G.Hs. started to develop day nursery services in 1968, and there have been 15 nursery schools which are registered as Non-Profit-Making Kindergarten-cum-Child Care Centres. Services such as long whole-day care and education services for children under the age of six, Integrated Programme and On-site Preschool Rehabilitation Services are offered for the children with special educational needs. All nursery schools are dedicated to children education according to different developmental stages. This would be beneficial to the build-up on good habits, healthy growth and positive learning attitudes as well as basic abilities of children. 



Mission: To communicate caring and positive culture of the nursery school to families and the community. To focus on high-quality home-school partnership as a way to enhance whole-child development.

Vision: To make continuous effort to build quality next generation by creating a safe and appropriate growth environment for children, and observing their all-round development in moral, intellectual, physical, social, aesthetic and emotional aspects through continuous and sound assessments & records.

  • To provide safe and enriching environment for children's learning and development by well-trained early childhood practitioner
  • To foster good daily habits of young children and self-care ability
  • To foster development of children's social, intellectual, emotional, language, arts and creative and physical abilities
  • To advise parents/ carers on child care and educational matters

Nursery Service Song


合作不分彼此相關注 心中溫暖

愉快相親相愛兩手牽 齊共勉
 兩手牽 心意堅 每顆真心齊互獻
讓東華上下同懷一心 將愛獻

愉快高聲歌唱兩手牽 齊共勉
*兩手牽 心意堅 每顆真心齊互獻
讓東華上下同懷一心 將愛獻

Repeat *

Development History

As part of the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, our school was founded in October 1984 under the name of ‘TWGHs Tai Po Nursery School ’to provide child care and educational services in the Tai Po district. The school was renamed to ‘TWGHs Fong Lai Ming Nursery School ’in 1994 in recognition of the donation made by Fong Shu Fook Tong Foundation. To go in line with the harmonization of pre-primary services, the school was registered as a Kindergarten-cum-Child Care Centre under the Education Bureau in September 2005. Please see the below table for further information.


The school was established in October 1984 under the name of ‘TWGHs Tai Po Nursery School’ to provide child care and educational services in the Tai Po District.

September 1987

The school started to operate the Integrated Programme for Mildly Disabled Children, providing harmonization services to allow children to receive care and education in a natural environment.

November 1992

The school offered Occasional Child Care Service, to help parents with temporary child care needs.


The school was renamed to ‘TWGHs Fong Lai Ming Nursery School’ in February 1994 in recognition of the donation made by Fong Shu Fook Tong Foundation.


The school participated in the ‘Psychological and Intellectual Development Plan for Young Children’, which was organised by TWGHs and sponsored by Quality Education Fund, to promote young children’s emotional education. The plan aimed to foster a healthy environment for young children’s emotional development, ensuring them to feel care and respect.


Recognising the importance of parent-school cooperation in promoting children’s emotional education, the school joined the ‘Grow Up with Respect and Confidence’ Parent Education Programme organized by TWGHs and sponsored by Quality Education Fund, to help parents build a healthy relationship with their children.  


School-based Social Work Service

To provide support to students, parents and staff who are in need of social work service.


Aesthetic Education

The school was committed to implement aesthetic education programme to provide more opportunities for children to get know different artists and their works, hence inspiring their creativity.



In 2009, the school introduced the ‘Leap’ Body Education Programme co-established by The Robert H.N. Ho Family Foundation and the Cloud Gate Dance School in Taiwan. The school was one of the partnering schools of the programme. Through the integration of dance arts and life, the programme promoted all-rounded development and creativity of the children.


The school offered ‘Extended Hours Service’ to accommodate the needs of the working parents who require longer hours of child care service.


In 2011, the school brought in the ‘Montessori Education’ concept, aiming to provide a harmonious, self-directed and mixed-age learning environment with systematic learning tools and interactive teaching approach to increase children’s sensory skills and self-management capabilities. In addition, it provided children with different life training in daily routine, so that they learned the proper attitude in caring themselves and others as well as the environment.

December 2011

In December 2011, the Community Care Fund of the Government launched the assistance programme of the ‘Training Subsidy for Children who were on the Waiting List of the Subvented Pre-school Rehabilitation Services’. They also joined hands with the TWGHs ‘Early Support Plan’ to help children from low-income families in need of rehabilitation services to get training subsidy so that they can acquire self-financing services run by recongised service providers as soon as possible to facilitate their learning and development while waiting for subvented pre-school rehabilitation services.


Perceptual Motor Programme

Implemented the ‘Parent-Child Perceptual Motor Training Homework’, which was a systematic program covering various aspects of children’s development. Through little games played at home with their parents, children were able to gain enriching and interesting learning experience plus closer parent-child relationship. Children were able to sharpen their foundational sensory abilities, develop positive emotions, concentration, self-control and stable learning capabilities.


Funded by Quality Education Fund, the school launched the ‘Enhancing Children’s Emotional Social Skills through Story Teaching’ project in 2014. By reviewing and integrating the elements of emotional education in story teaching, the project enhanced the emotional adjustment and social communication abilities of the children under different learning scenarios.


The school participated in the Pilot Scheme on On-site Pre-school Rehabilitation Services implemented by the Social Welfare Department and also cooperated with TWGHs‘On-site Pre-school Rehabilitation Services – Sunshine Kids’ to provide early intervention service for SEN (special educational needs) children who were studying in our school. The service was regularised since October 2018 with one-off funding from the Social Welfare Department.


In response to the free play section covered in EDB’s Curriculum Guide (2017), the school built a safe and game-friendly environment based on the free play concept, allowing children to express their feelings freely and explore their surroundings using different senses. Besides, the school has participated in the ‘Free Play Practice - Seed School Training Program (SSTP)’ launched by Playright Children’s Play Association, and became one of the Seed Schools to promote free play in the school.


  • To help children grow up in a safe and appropriate environment by delivering positive messages to families and the community to promote the culture of love and care.
  • To cultivate active learning attitudes and independence in children through instructive and diversified activities. This enables children to have a comprehensive and balanced development.
  • To instil curiosity in children through live observation and hands on exploration.
  • To maintain trustful school-home relationship with frequent communication and co-operation.

School Facilities

With a total area of 375 square meter, the school has rooftop area for outdoor activities provided by Home Affairs Department, three activity rooms, gross-motor activity room, music room, kitchen, children toilet, headmaster office, staff office, laundry, store room etc. In children activity rooms, there are multiple corners, including learning corner, emotion corner, life training corner, language corner, arts and crafts corner, storybook corner, exploration corner, doll corner, teaching materials corner, toy corner, panel corner etc. to help stimulate children’s learning interest and potential.

VR campus video

Our Team

Our staff are passionate to nurture young children. The Principal and Early

Childhood Practitioner (teachers) are all professionally qualified and fully

experienced in early childhood education. Besides, the school social worker

provides services for children and their family members,

including children with social or emotional difficulties.

In addition, visiting Educational/ Clinical Psychologist, Project Officer

(Curriculum), Speech Therapists, Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapist

serve as our consultants to give recommendations over lesson plans, teaching

techniques and resources.

Professional development

Teachers will participate in different types of training activities every year to ensure their professional development. E.g., this year, teachers are led by the headmaster to watch the videos and photos of the free play session of the children in the past one year in order to observe their free play performance, analyse their learning needs and review how to incorporate the free play elements in their daily routine.